Mutudo – Uganda -praktik dairy-/ poultry-/ or pigsfarm..GRATIS formidl…

My name is Mutudo Mangada aged 27 from kasese district in Uganda.

Iweigh 62kg with a height of 162.5cm . Am the first born in the family of 5. My region is well  known for agriculture and my family is connected with it too.
We practice mixed farming consisting of dairy farming, piggery farming and crop farming. We have 5cows, 7pigs ,26 poultry birds and we also plant a variety of crops such as maize, beans and food for animals. I do help in feeding, treating and giving supportive care to animals and poultry birds in order to improve on their health and production.
I was born in kasese district of Uganda where I started schooling at a government school from primary one to primary seven, I joined secondary in another county within kasese district where I was an active member in netball club, scouts club and music club. In high school I loved agriculture whereby I could help in providing good management to the animals in the school farm, I did my National exams at that school and passed very well. In 2022 I joined Institute of agriculture, business and technology where I am pursuing a diploma in animal husbandry.
I chose this course because of my love to animals and their products, I also love improving the health of animals for high production. I did my training at National agriculture research center where I gained experience in proper management of cows, calves, chickens pigs and crops as well.
I can speak my indigenous language which is Lukonzo language and also speak Kiswahili and English which are the National and official languages in my country. I also did my IELTS exams general training and passed well. As for my interests I enjoy reading, rearing animals and poultry birds. Now I would like to apply for internship in dairy, piggery and or poultry sector so that I could gain more knowledge and practical skills to use in the future. I have heard a lot of good things about Denmark more especially on the Agriculture sector and I would like to be one of the beneficiaries by learning during my internship period.


Professionel/educational priority

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Sådan fungerer det

Hos hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.

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