Abel – Uganda – praktik dairy-/ pigs-/ or poultryfarm – se video

Academic/professionel merits and interests

I am a continuing student pursuing a diploma in livestock management and entrepreneurship at XXX College Of East Africa.

I am a dedicated, energetic and focused young man who is well versed with dairy farming, I love taking care of cows because they have been part of me since childhood. we have a dairy farm at home and from the milk that’s where my school fees and tuition come from. Doing my internship from Denmark will help me gain international experience with the use of machines which I believe will help me improve farming at our home farm.
– Personal experience/practice with handling farm-animals or similar

  • Milking
  • Cleaning the Kraal
  • Dehorning
  • Deworming
  • Spraying
  • Record keeping
  • Calf rearing
  • Farm maintenence
  • Weaning piglets
  • Feed mixing
  • Feeding cows.

Previous jobs and/or internships at farms or in agri- or horticulture

I am currently doing my internship from XXXX Farm Gayaza where I am the head of the trainees working in the Milking department. Part of our work is to clean the Kraal, milk and feeding the calves.
– Certifications, drivers license and other valuable information

My other skills include time management, leadership skills, basic computer skills, accounting and quick learning.

My hobbies include playing football and adventure

Professionel/educational priority

Oplever du fejl på denne profil/are you experiencing problems with this profile? Then please contact us on ab-farms@mail.dk – Phone: 0045 97887100 – Mobile phone: 0045 40288060


Sådan fungerer det

Hos ABFarms.dk hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.

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