MOREEN -Uganda – praktik dairy-/ or pigsfarm – SIRI paid by applicant

Relevant information could be:

I am  Moreen a 29 year old Ugandan born from Kabale district.

As a family, we rear animals and also have a small plantation were we use the cow dung as manure and in turn it helps yield the crops.

Some of the activities that l perform at home are cleaning animal shelter, feeding the animals, grazing animals, milking .

I am a student of Ankole University currently pursuing a diploma in animal production and management.

With the ability to work hard and multi task as well as work under minimal supervision, I would love to travel to Denmark in order to improve on my skills that I gained both from the university and at home.


This in turn will improve my career and livelihood of my family as l plan to come back to my country and put into practice what I would have learned.

Professionel/educational priority

Oplever du fejl på denne profil/are you experiencing problems with this profile? Then please contact us on – Phone: 0045 97887100 – Mobile phone: 0045 40288060


Sådan fungerer det

Hos hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.

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