Thi T. – Vietnam – Praktik dairy-/ pigs-/ or poultryfarm

I had an internship at a local family farm for about half a year, under the support and guidance of livestock technical staff. I was responsible for the following tasks:

  • Preparing and feeding pigs 3 times a day
  • Showering pigs
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the barns
  • Taking care of sows
  • Preparing the litter for the sows
  • Dividing and taking care of pigs depending on ages and sizes
  • Taking care and doing treatments for sick pigs
  • Taking care and breeding chicken
  • Taking care of and curing sick cats and dogs

Professionel/educational priority

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Sådan fungerer det

Hos hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.

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